Voiceless SoundsVoiceless sounds are made by forcing air past the vocal cords without them vibrating.
How to tell if it is Voiced or Voiceless... |
Voiced SoundsVoiced sounds are created by forcing air past the vocal cords and causing them to vibrate.
Place of Articulation
The place of articulation is where the airflow is restricted within the vocal tract.
There are 8 places of articulation within the vocal tract. Click each one to hear the sounds created there.
Manner of Articulation
Trills and flaps
Manner of articulation discusses how airflow changes when trying to make a sound. Some of the different obstacles are listed below.
Features Which Do Not Distinguish Phonemes
Syllabic versus
Stress versus
Aspiration versus Nonaspiration
Why it is important for ELL teachers to understand the characteristics of speech.

- As a classroom teacher,knowing the parts and production of speech will allow you to teach them better.
- Teachers can become allies in assisting student diagnose and correct speech errors which leads to great confidence in students.
- By understanding common errors, a teacher can more readily provide support and training for a student to help them overcome the issue.